A Software Engineer passionate about developing products.
In this article, we are going to implement a tooltip in plain JavaScript and CSS. A tooltip is a message which appears when a cursor is positioned over an icon, image, links, or other elements in order to give more information to the user.
The first time I visited Tailwind’s website I was really fascinated by its clean design and numerous code samples, ready to be used. My main interest in Tailwind wasn’t its value proposition to replace CSS, but the ability to build really quick prototypes for SaaS ideas.
Code reviews can be daunting to make, especially if you are new to the technology or the team you are in. However, code reviews are one of the best opportunities you have to grow as an engineer and help your team move forward.
React Testing Library is a test library that helps us write integration and unit tests for our UI applications by allowing us to render components, perform actions upon them (click, type, check ...), and retrieve any element rendered through accessible and semantic queries.